Dai-Cast 067 - Can't Do That on a Christian Podcast...

Greetings and salutations from the Crystal Gondola here in Japan! This week, we record in the middle of one of Ian’s Japanese Death Colds.

As for topics, we look into the Christian Manga world of Zondervan, invoking the horror of Mark Twain’s “The Mysterious Stranger”. We touch on the Wikipedia hullabaloo over control of the Gundam Ministry, with a quick look at Japanese life insurance plans.

Aaaaannnndddd… We go on and on about the split between ADV and Geneon, degrading into our usual rant on the bad new-media practices of the Anime industry, and the rest of the world… Then we remember Duel Love, the answer to the little girl witch touching game, Doki Doki Mahou Shinpan. And we wrap things up with a discussion on the end of “School Days”. So put on your mask, listen in, and enjoy this special contagious Dai-Cast. Just make sure to wash your hands afterwards…


Topics Covered this Week:
