Dai-Cast 048 - You’re Going to Have It…

Broadcasting to you, not-quite-live from the crystal gondola in the palatial main Tiltyhouse studios in beautiful downtown Nagaoka Japan, for the education, elucidation, emancipation, enlightenment and mental emolument of the Nipponistic hoi-polloi.

Or in plain English, Dai-Cast is a weekly podcast highlighting recent developments in Japan and Japanese pop culture from a western perspective.


Topics Covered this Week:

Running Time: 01:16:30

Transplanted - Michael Weidner

Tiltyhouse media is proud to present our newest podcast. It’s call Transplanted and it focuses on the lives, hopes and dreams of those who have uprooted themselves from home and move far away. Your host Jason will Interview someone who has ventured beyond the shores of their home and has started somewhere new.

This week, Jason speaks with Michael Weidner, an exchange student who is living, studying and working in Japan. He talks about his daily stuggles in, including being gay in Japan, managing a long distance relationship and cutting through the red tape. If you are planning on living overseas, you owe it to yourself to listen to what he has to say.

Transplanted is a limited release podcast. Please let us know what you think of it. If you like it, we will produce more episodes. Thanks.

Dai-Cast 047 - Beef Heaven!

Broadcasting to you, not-quite-live from the crystal gondola in the palatial main Tiltyhouse studios in beautiful downtown Nagaoka Japan, for the education, elucidation, emancipation, enlightenment and mental emolument of the Nipponistic hoi-polloi.

Or in plain English, Dai-Cast is a weekly podcast highlighting recent developments in Japan and Japanese pop culture from a western perspective.


Topics Covered this Week:

Running Time: 00:57:55

Tiltyhouse Is Looking for a Few Good Podcasters

Do you have an idea for a killer podcast? Are you still dreaming away while others are making their ideas a reality?

If you have been trying to get your own podcast off the ground but have been putting it off, I am here to give you a proverbial kick in the ass. tiltyhouse is looking for new content, and we want to give you the opportunity to have your own podcast hosted on the tiltyhouse network. Details after the jump.

Here is what we are looking for. It’s really quite simple.

You are going to make two episodes of your dream podcast and submit them to us. If we like what we hear, we’ll host your show to for fixed period of time(say 5 to 20 episodes.)  We’ll even advertise it and promote the heck out of it. Before you know it, you’ll be an Internet superstar(think “Ze Frank”, not “Star Wars Kid”.) Feel free to use whichever software you like. We like Apple Garageband and Adobe Audition ourselves, but there are many others. Please keep each episode from 20 to 45 minutes in length.

If we feel that your show is incompatible with our other tiltyhouse progamming, we will give you some advice on how to host your own show. Either way, it’s a win-win situation. You are now in the driver seat. So why wait around?

If you are interested in participating, then get off yer tush and make those episodes. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at jason@tiltyhouse.com, and I will answer any questions you might have about this wonderful opportunity.

Jason Hill, tiltyhouse Media   

Dai-Cast 046 - Stop Daddy!

Broadcasting to you, not-quite-live from the crystal gondola in the palatial main Tiltyhouse studios in beautiful downtown Nagaoka Japan, for the education, elucidation, emancipation, enlightenment and mental emolument of the Nipponistic hoi-polloi.

Or in plain English, Dai-Cast is a weekly podcast highlighting recent developments in Japan and Japanese pop culture from a western perspective.


Topics Covered this Week:

Running Time: 00:57:50

Dai-Cast 45 - on the High Seas

Broadcasting to you, not-quite-live from the crystal gondola in the palatial main Tiltyhouse studios in beautiful downtown Nagaoka Japan, for the education, elucidation, emancipation, enlightenment and mental emolument of the Nipponistic hoi-polloi.

Or in plain English, Dai-Cast is a weekly podcast highlighting recent developments in Japan and Japanese pop culture from a western perspective.


Topics Covered this Week:

Running Time: 01:05:03

Dai-Cast 044 - You Wouldn’t Like Me When I’m Angry

Broadcasting to you, not-quite-live from the crystal gondola in the palatial main Tiltyhouse studios in beautiful downtown Nagaoka Japan, for the education, elucidation, emancipation, enlightenment and mental emolument of the Nipponistic hoi-polloi.

Or in plain English, Dai-Cast is a weekly podcast highlighting recent developments in Japan and Japanese pop culture from a western perspective.


Topics Covered this Week:

Running Time: 01:39:22

The Test From Hell!

If you’ve listened to the lastest episode of Dai-Cast you’ll notice I wasn’t there. I have a good(or possibly bad) reason for this. I was in Sendai, writing the ????????If you want to know what that means, read on.

When it comes to tests, I’ve pretty much seen it all. I have been through the labs and essays. I’ve survived four hours exams and thirty minute interviews. I even walked away with a University Degree at the simple cost of my soul. Yet no exam in the entire world has frustrated me more than the dreaded Japanese Proficiency Exam(???????.) I just wrote the 2nd level test for the third time this past Sunday and I want to scream “bloody murder!” Now I’ll tell you why.

The first and foremost reason why I hate this exam is that it’s very difficult. It keeps getting more difficult every year you take it. Almost like a cold war between exam writers and participants. Every year, I approach the exam site with an arsenal of new grammer and vocabulary. Oh, but the test is ready for me. It constantly finds new ways to confuse the hell out of me and leave me bleeding on the floor. But that is only the worst part. I bet you didn’t know there were other nasty elements to this exam. .

Did you know that the exam only happens once a year? Yes, you have one shot to nail it or you’re screwed. But if that wasn’t bad enough, you also pay 5500 yen to take the damn thing. Oh, and guess what happens if you actually find a way to pass an exam. If you ant to receive the a diploma, you need to send them money for the diploma and the shipping cost. Yes, they are so cheap they won’t even send you a diploma with your results. Also, did want to see how you did on the exam. Too bad! You don’t get your results. You only know if you passed or failed. You can, however buy a copy of the answer for about 1200 yen at the bookstore.

So you can see, I am not a big fan of this exam. Lucky for me, the only reason I take it is to improve my Japanese. I’d be in real trouble if I needed it for a certification of something. To wrap this up, I’m going to go out and call JESS(the organization that administrates the exam) something they need to be called. You are TEST NAZIES. Stop being so damned cheap and extreme about this test! There, I feel must better now.

Dai-Cast 043 - Dai-Cast on Speed

Broadcasting to you, not-quite-live from the crystal gondola in the palatial main Tiltyhouse studios in beautiful downtown Nagaoka Japan, for the education, elucidation, emancipation, enlightenment and mental emolument of the Nipponistic hoi-polloi. Or in plain English, Dai-Cast is a weekly podcast highlighting recent developments in Japan and Japanese pop culture from a western perspective.


Topics Covered this Week:

Running Time: 01:10:54

Not a Unitard!!

Not Actually a UnitardPictured here, Ralph Wiggum of the popular animated series The Simpsons exclaiming “I’m a Unitard”.

Well, as any long time listener to Dai-Cast would know, Ralph is indeed not a unitard.

As defined by the show, a unitard is ‘a mentally deficient gigantic transforming robot capable of eating planets.  Possibly the child of Unicron, and a parallel universe Unicron of a separate gender but equal genetic stock.”

To this end, I call upon each and every member of the Dai-Cast army to boycott this improper use of the word unitard, by wave their arms franticly and screeching “great googly moogly” at any re-airing of the November 28 2006 episode of the Simpsons.

It’s the only way they’ll learn…